Saturday, September 7, 2013

Halloween Happenings FTU

Halloween Happenings

I used the wonderful artwork of Joel Adams which
you must be licensed to use.  You can purchase his tubes from CDO here
I am using a which is now a ftu scrapkit 
called Its Halloween  
that you can find on Lacaroita's Designz blog here.
Font of Choice I used Burton's Nightmare 
Mask of Choice I used Vaybs mask111  these masks are Here 
I use PSPx4 but should work in all versions
Plugin used Candyeye 4000 (if you don't have just play with what you do or
use none)
Note When I resize I use these settings: (make sure that
pixel dimensions is on percent and in advanced setting
it is smart size lock aspect ratio is checked and resize all layers
is unchecked) also please save often and for placement on the tag you
can always refer to the example tag if that helps.

Let's get started!!

Open a new image 600 X 600 pixels with a transparent background. 
Copy & paste paper1 from the scrapkit 
onto your new image and apply your mask
of choice. (Click layers, load save mask,
make sure fit to canvas, source luminance 
and hide all mask is checked then click load)
In layers right click on mask hit delete and answer 
yes to the popup. Now right click on group layer
merge merge group. 
Open old tree element and copy & paste onto your image and resize by 56% and
place the bottom of the tree at the bottom center of the mask.  go to effect candyeye 4000 and use corona with the following settings 

Open bats elements copy & paste to your image and resize by 31% and place on the
bottom part of your tree
Open frame 2 and copy & paste to your image and resize 43% and place in almost to
the top of the tree Using your magic wand and use the following settings

click inside the frames and go to selection modify expand and use the
following settings to expand

Open paper 5 copy & paste to your image go to selection invert then
hit delete on your keyboard selections select none Move this new layer 
below your frames.
Open fence and copy & paste to your image and resize by 43% and place at the bottom
of your mask
Open ghost1 and copy & paste to your image and resize by 28% and place it in the middle 
of your frames
Open element broom2 copy & paste onto your image and resize by 32% and place on the fence
beside your tube (see tag for position if needed)
Open cat element and copy & paste to your image and resize by 19% and place at
the rightside end of the fence go to image flip horizonal
Open your tube and copy & paste to your image  dublicate x2 resize as needed (I resize by 75% the tube that is not used in the frames)  
place your original tube on the left end of the fence and add a dropshadow with the 
following settings (effects 3D dropshadow)

the other two copies are to be placed inside the frames take your first copy and place
in the left side of the frame and move this layer below the frame but above the
paper repeat this step with the other copy for the right side of the frame
Use your magic wand with the same setting as above and click inside the frames and
go to selections invert and them making sure your left tube is highlighted on layers 
click delete on your keyboard do the same for the left side then selections select none
on the top of the layers click on normal and change it to luminance on both of the 
tube layers inside of the frames.
Add your copyrights and name of choice and you are finished!!

I hope you liked this tut and please let me know it anything is wrong!! 

Be Creative as you want!

Monday, September 2, 2013

Pink Power FTU

Pink Power

I used the wonderful artwork of Barbara Jensen which
you must be licensed to use. I purchased from Barbara Jensen
Erotic Artist Gallery Which can now be found here
I am using a which is now a ftu scrapkit 
called Pink Hope that you can find on BiBis Collection FTU Kits
Her blog is here.(on the side you need to click the button to get
the password to download)
Font of Choice  I used Beautiful every Time
Mask of Choice I used Designs by Vaybs mask 111 these masks are Here 

 Note When I resize I use these settings: (make sure that
pixel dimensions is on percent and in advanced setting
it is smart size lock aspect ratio is checked and resize all layers
is unchecked) also please save often and for placement on the tag you
can always refer to the example tag if that helps.

Let's get started!!

Open a new image 600 X 600 pixels with a transparent background. 
Copy & paste paper8 from the scrapkit 
onto your new image and apply your mask
of choice. (Click layers, load save mask,
make sure fit to canvas, source luminance 
and hide all mask is checked then click load)
In layers right click on mask hit delete and answer 
yes to the popup. Now right click on group layer merge merge group. 
Open element 6 copy & paste to your image and resize by 95%
Open elements 29 and copy & paste to your image
Resize by 73%. Using your magic wand and use the following settings

click inside the heart and go to selection modify expand and use the
following settings to expand

Open paper 6 copy & paste to your image go to selection invert then hit delete on your keyboard selections select none Move this new layer below your heart.
Open element 11 copy & paste onto your image and place in the center of the heart add a dropshadow with the following setting (or play around with your own settings)

Open element65 copy & paste to your image and place it on the righthand bottom of the heart (see tag for placement)
Open element59 copy & paste to your image and place on the lefthand side of the heart (see tag for placement if needed)
Open Element38 and copy & paste to your image an place beside element65  (the martini glass)
Open element 10 copy & paste to your image and place it on the heart in the righthand top corner.
Open element 19 and copy & paste to your image Resize by 90%
Open your tube of choice and copy & paste and place it where you would like it. I placed it at the bottom of the heart.
Add your copyrights and name of choice and you are finished!!

I hope you liked this tut and please let me know it anything is wrong!! 

Be Creative as you want!