Saturday, March 8, 2014

Alice Forum Set

Alice Forum Set

I used the wonderful tube called Alice by Gabi Spree which you must be licensed to use. You can 
purchase her tubes from The PSP Project which can now be found here
I am using a scrapkit called Alice in Wonderland by Ellanoir which is FTU and can be found  here
Mask of Choice 
Font of Choice
Plugin used was candyeye4000
The tut was written in Paint Shop Pro X4 but should work in others.

Note When I resize I use these settings: (make sure that pixel dimensions is on percent and in advanced setting it is smart size lock aspect ratio is checked and resize all layers is unchecked) also please save often and for placement on the tag you can always refer to the example tag if that helps.

Let's get started!!

Open a new image 600x250 & 150x200  pixels with a transparent background.  You can resize later to meet your needs.
Open paper 14 copy & paste to both images (600x250 & 150x200)
Open element22 copy & paste to both images and duplicate x2 on both
Starting on the first layer of element22 go to candyeye4000 and use HSB noise with the following setting

Repeat on your other image (150x200)
Using HSB noise on both images repeat the steps on each layer of element22 except on each layer change the random seed ( if you do not have this plugin you can use noise)
Go to you image that is 600x250
Open element25 copy & paste to your image resize by 15% and place on the right hand side of your image
Open element33 copy & paste to your image resize by 15% and place in the middle of your image
Open your tube of choice (I used the close up one) copy & paste to your image resize as needed (I resized 48%) and place it on the right side of your image
Add a new layer go to selections select all modify select selection borders and use the following settings
Using your floodfill tool and your color of choice floodfill the border (make sure you click in the small border when you floodfill)
Selections select none 
To finish use your crop tool to crop to the size so that all layers are the same size (600x250)
Go to your other image (150x200) and copy & paste your tube of choice (I used the full tube) resize as needed (I resized by 58%) and place on the right side of your image
Add a new layer go to selections select all modify select selection borders and use the following settings
 Using your floodfill tool and your color of choice floodfill the border 
Selections select none 
To finish use your crop tool to crop to the size so that all layers are the same size (150x200)
Add your copyrights and name of choice and you are finished!!
If you wish to be animated we will be usinmg the element 22 layers to do this
Open amimation shop and do the following
In PSP on you first image (600x250) closed off the duplicate layers of element22 so that only one layer is showing and click on your image and copy merged
Go to animation shop and paste as a new animation
Close of the layer of element22 you just used and open another one and copy merged
Go to animation shop right click on the image already there go to paste and paste the new one after current frame
Repeat for the remaining layer of element22
Repeat these steps on your other image (150x200)

I hope you liked this tut and please let me know it anything is not correct. Thank you.

Be Creative as you want!

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